Why Every Company Is a Software Company
“Software is eating the world.” I seem to be hearing and seeing that expression all over the internet lately, that it’s almost sounding like meme nowadays. But it also happens to be true. Can you think of a single type of company or organization in existence today...
Machine Learning: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love SKYNET
For any of you science fiction buffs out there, probably one of the oldest plots out there is the sentient computer or robot running amok. The HAL-9000 supercomputer from “2001: A Space Odyssey”, brags in an interview with the BBC that he is perfect and incapable of...
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
When I was a kid, one of my favorite authors was Isaac Asimov. He is most famous for his science fiction stories about robotics and machines that could think for themselves. I still clearly remember one of his stories that still haunts me to this day. It was titled...
Beware the Robot Overlords
As technology continues to dominate all aspects of our life, there is a new growing concern. The age of automation. Having been a software developer for a good number of years, I am well aware of the power of technology automation. If there is one thing a computer...
Is It Time to Regulate Internet Advertising?
The world runs on advertising. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I’m no historian, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people posted little “help wanted” or “chain mail suit for sale (almost brand new!)” type classified ads on the sides of buildings, all the way back in the...
Has the Post-PC World Arrived Yet?
A few years before Steve Jobs passed away, he theorized in an interview that society is on the verge of living in a post-PC era. In the interview below, he likens it to the way consumers used to purchase automobiles. Back around the turn of the early twentieth...
Where Does Microsoft Want to Go Today?
I’m a little worried about the future of Microsoft. This one story detailed how Delta Airlines, starting in early 2018, plans to replace all of their Windows smartphones and Microsoft Surface tablet devices with iPhones and iPads for their 23,000 flight attendant...
Cryptoheisting: Or Press ENTER to Continue
Butch Cassidy: What happened to the old bank? It was beautiful. Guard: People kept robbing it. Butch Cassidy: Small price to pay for beauty. – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid One of my all-time favorite movies is “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”. Paul...
Why UI / UX Matters
Most of you have already read or heard about the recent false alarm incoming missile alert that happened in the Hawaiian island chain. In a nutshell, most residents and tourists with cellphones received an emergency SMS text message on their phones with the following...
Everything You Want to Know About 32-bit vs. 64-bit But Were Afraid to Ask
I’ve been an Apple fan since my elementary school years when my school bought their first shiny new 8-bit Apple II personal computer and plunked it next to the librarian’s desk. This love of Apple gizmos stayed with me through college and throughout my adult career as...