How a Developer Measures Success

How a Developer Measures Success

How should a software developer measure their success? When I was younger and starting out in my professional software development career, I used to think it was how much code I sling. Like Clint Eastwood in “A Fistful of Dollars”, I liked to pretend I was a...
How Developers Level Up

How Developers Level Up

I’ve been a video game nut ever since I was a kid. I especially loved those Dungeons & Dragons style role playing fantasy games where you played a lone hero out to save the world from unspeakable evils. Every role playing game, whether it’s paper based or computer...
The “I’m Not Technical” Cop Out

The “I’m Not Technical” Cop Out

There’s something I’ve been observing recently about my job that’s really been puzzling me lately. Maybe puzzling is a little bit too weak. More like disturbing. I work as a software developer for a software as a service company. It’s basically their primary bread and...
The 99 Cent App Problem

The 99 Cent App Problem

“TANSTAFL – There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch” – Robert Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” Whenever I get in the mood to purchase new apps for my iPhone, I usually like to read the user reviews first, to get an idea of what other people...
My Ideal Work Computer

My Ideal Work Computer

If it didn’t look kind of weird and creepy as a man in his mid forties, to head down to my local shopping mall during Christmas and sit on mall Santa’s lap to ask what I wanted for Christmas, you know what I would ask old St. Nick? A mobile computer. Yes, I know, I...
My ReactJS Thoughts

My ReactJS Thoughts

One of the pleasures of being a professional software developer is the never ending learning of new technologies and concepts. The software development landscape is truly moving at a breakneck pace. When I first began my professional software developer career, it...
The Power of the Tech Stack Ecosystem

The Power of the Tech Stack Ecosystem

There’s an old proverb that states “necessity is the mother of invention”. It basically means that people can often come up with inventive ideas born out of some sort of difficulty or pain point. The CEO of Netflix was famously quoted as saying his...
Said Every Developer Ever…

Said Every Developer Ever…

There’s a little joke that’s common to probably every software programmer on the planet. It boils down to the idea that the only GOOD code that exists is the code a programmer writes for himself. I’m just making an educated guess here, but I’m...
Teaching as a Developer: One

Teaching as a Developer: One

In development, we are constantly learning something new.  Trying to know the latest framework, understand the next breakthrough, be on top of the next big thing to revolutionize the industry. Some of my friends are able to comprehend these new languages and syntaxes...
The Hail Mary Recruiter Problem

The Hail Mary Recruiter Problem

As a software developer, I receive LOTS of attention from technical recruiters. I’ve got an active public profile on LinkedIn and I try to stay engaged in the technical field with my blogging and attendance at our local tech meetups in my hometown. It’s...
The Computer Science Gap

The Computer Science Gap

I recently got into a very interesting discussion with a new coworker whom just got hired at my company, and before that, graduated with a computer science degree from a local university. We sit next to each other, so we often chat about anything that pops into our...
Fifty Shades of Codemonkey

Fifty Shades of Codemonkey

When you’ve been around the software programming block for a number of years, you start to gain a sense of how varied in personality and manners other software developer coworkers are. You might think there can’t be THAT much variance between two software...