18 Tips for Motivating Software Developers to High Performance
On October 3, 2018, ProFocus invited Portland-based software development managers to join us for the latest in our Leaders Lunch series. These roundtable discussions are a great opportunity for software development and engineering leaders to share best practices and...
How to Hire Great Software Developers
Hiring a great software developer is no easy task, let alone an entire team of them. There’s a war for tech talent, and in order to compete, companies looking to hire software developers need to ask themselves an important question: Is my company the kind of place...
Managing Communication and Relationships Between Development and Product Management
On May 30, 2018, Portland-based software development managers joined ProFocus Technology for the latest in our series of Leaders Lunches. Moderated by John Boone, President of ProFocus, our May roundtable discussion focused on the topic of communication and...
Tips for Implementing Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
On March 15, the ProFocus team had the privilege of hosting a Leaders Lunch for Portland-based software development managers. Moderated by John Boone, President of ProFocus Technology, our roundtable discussion focused on Continuous Integration and Continuous...